Published a YouTube video
Used Rust
Hosted a live stream on Twitch
Live streamed another episode of "solving Advent of Code in Rust" on Twitch

🦀 Rust vs 🐍 Python: Advent of code in Rust - solving day 19/2021 PART 1 (Twitch Live 2022-07-25)

In this episode, we completed PART 1 & 2 of day 19 of Advent of Code y2021 in Python and we started working toward a Rust solution.

This is probably the most complicated Advent of Code exercise of the year 2021, so it's probably going to keep us busy for a while.

We didn't do a lot of progress with our rust solution, we only managed to write just enough code to process the input.

Stay tuned for the next episode and join us on Twitch to help us crack this problem in Rust!

If you have any suggestion, we'd love to hear it, so please leave a comment or a create a PR!

For all the source code check out the official GitHub repo:

For seeing the next episodes live check out our Twitch channel:

#Rust #Python #AoC